Republican's Peter King's Arrogance in His New Gun Control Proposal: I Thought All Men Are Created Equal in the US?

DeceptiCON Peter King

Hell is freezing. Just a week after Republicans took over control of the House, a Republican is writing perhaps the most arrogant piece of gun control legislation I have seen in my lifetime. Before examining the bill King will propose, let's look at the words of one of our most famous founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...

Remember those words? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't consider them. However, the new gun control law that Representative King (R-NY) will propose is simply arrogant. It suggests that once you are elected to the United States version of the House of Commons, because the reality of the House of Representatives is the common man can go to Washington to represent their district, that you are suddenly more important than the rest of the citizens in our Republic. While I hope there will never be another instance of violence against any of our elected officials and hope they will stick the limits of government established in the Constitution and protect our freedoms, King's proposal is just wrong.

King wants to make it a felony if you are caught carrying a firearm within 1000 feet of a federal official, even if you are a law abiding conceal and carry registered with the government citizen. What makes a federal officials life more important than any other life in the United States? Isn't that what Representative King is suggesting with this law?

King claims he is a conservative Congressman from Long Island. Conservative? When is trampling on the Second Amendment as well as the idea that all men are created equal a conservative value? Perhaps DeceptiCON is a more appropriate label.