Glock 9 Sales Increase After Safeway Shootings: With Republicans Talking Gun Control, Could New Assault Weapons Ban be Coming?

With Republicans like Peter King (NY) calling for more gun control, it appears Americans are worried about a new version of the Clinton era assault rifle ban eventually showing up. Second Amendment advocates must be worried the Glock 9 model that alleged paranoid schizophrenic used in the shooting may appear on any new gun ban list that Congress may pass. No, gun owners are not safe from an assault weapons ban based on news today a Republican is sponsoring a new gun control law.

“We’re at double our volume over what we usually do,” said Greg Wolff, a firearms dealer. “When something like this happens people get worried that the government is going to ban stuff.”

Why is that? Because despite the Second Amendment saying the federal government shall not infringe on the right to bear arms, they obviously have with the Clinton administration's assault rifle ban. Why shouldn't people take warning and learn from the past when the federal government overstepped its bounds.