Washington DC's City Homeland Security Agency Increases Use of Police State Cameras

Everywhere you go in Washington DC, someone will be watching you. The expansion of the Big Brother police state is taking place in the nation's capital, a city that is supposed to represent limited government and freedom from tyranny. Yet, more and more technology is being used to track Americans.

Washington DC's own homeland security agency (not the one Janet Big Sis Napolitano runs) is connecting a grid of privately owned cameras used by businesses to protect their stores and interests to the DC police state. These feeds will be available at any time to Big Brother government.

From the Washington Examiner:

The city's homeland security agency is planning to add thousands of security cameras from private businesses around the nation's capital and the Metro system to the thousands of electronic eyes that authorities are already monitoring 24/7.

D.C.'s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency has already centralized the feeds from more than 4,500 cameras operated by the District's department of transportation and school system. Those feeds are watched around the clock by officials from those departments who sit together in homeland security's Joint All-Hazards Operation Center.

By bringing feeds from thousands more cameras to the central watching room through links to cameras at businesses such as banks, corner stores and gas stations, the District is joining other big cities like London, New York and Baltimore that in recent years have turned to cameras to fight crime and terrorism. But critics worry the District's government might be going too far.

"It sounds like Big Brother to me," Maryland resident James Dewitt said Wednesday on the streets of downtown Washington, referencing George Orwell's novel foreseeing a society oppressed by a government that tracks everyone. "We're heading to '1984.' It's 2011, but we're heading to 1984."

Reminds you of the Will Smith and Gene Hackman movie, "Enemy of the State." Watch it if you haven't seen it.

Is this supposed to be happening in America?

Something tells me Benjamin Franklin wouldn't approve.

"Those who sacrifice liberty For security deserve neither."