Jessie the Body Ventura Sues the TSA for Violating the Body: Former Wrestler and Governor was Groped

By the end of last year former Navy Seal, WWF wrestler, and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura was done flying. After months of having TSA touch his junk, he had had enough. Now he has decided to take his protest in a different direction rather than stop flying. He is suing the TSA.

In a complaint filed Monday morning in the U.S. District Court for Minnesota, Ventura is suing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its secretary, Janet Napolitano, as well as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and its administrator, John Pistole.

Ventura accuses the agencies of violating his "basic rights to privacy and dignity, and his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures," after he received a pat-down by a TSA agent at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in November 2010.

Ventura, who said he has a titanium implant after hip replacement surgery in 2008, alleges the pat-down included "warrantless, non-suspicion-based offensive touching, gripping and rubbing of the genital and other sensitive areas of his body," which, the lawsuit contends, met "the definition for an unlawful sexual assault."

This is good news. A high-profile former governor standing up to TSA tyranny. I love it!

A TSA spokesman could not comment on the case but stated touching someone's junk is an important part of the security process--well not exactly in those words, but not far from them either.