John P. Holdren Wants to Indoctrinate Global Warming School Kids: Sounds Like a Communist Educational Belief

Communist philosophies have always betrayed educational venues with infiltration. This is the history in the expansion of communism--education is critical to change the thoughts and ideas through conditioning. Communism uses a Trojan horse philosophy to change thought.

A May 1937 article on communism titled "The Schools and the People's Front" states: "Marxist-Leninist analysis must be injected into every class." In order that this might be accomplished successfully, "the Party must take careful steps to see that all teacher comrades are given thorough education in the teachings of Marxism-Leninism." It was stressed that "Communist teachers are faced with a tremendous social responsibility." They must affect the children's thinking, and they must mobilize other teachers. But all of this was to be done from the work in the classroom to the agitation among other teachers -- "without exposing themselves."

I remind you of this because environmentalism is the new communism in the world. Green is the new red. It works to destroy the capitalist industrial world in exchange for statist control, and once again we have an Obama official displaying they understand the truth that education is important in adoption.

That was Obama's top science adviser, John P. Holdren, saying we need more indoctrination to change the mind of free thinking people who have seen through global warming fraud--and this is even after Hadley CRU was caught cooking the books a couple years ago. Now think about that with what I just told you about the communist philosophy to control education--the Trojan horse infiltration.

“It is an education problem. I think we have to educate them,” John Holdren says.

Now let's not forget that Holden is a eugenicist, which is a belief held by both Hitler and Stalin. Remember, Stalin often gets a pass because he was an ally of the United Stated during World War II fighting the "bigger evil" Adolf Hitler, but is just as guilty of Hitler of sending hundreds of thousands to their death. Not only that, but it's documented that Holdren has ties to the same Chicago communists that Obama played with in the early days.

Make no doubt about it, as schools across the country adopt the International Baccalaureate global education  curriculum, with its lesson plans often touching on global warming and population control, which I have seen first hand in math story problems and other homework assignments, the seed has been planted and many conservative communities like Ozark, Missouri, are taking the bait selling the program as a curriculum that will better prepare students for college. No, it's a curriculum that indoctrinates, and we have Obama's top science adviser talking a lot like a Marxist on the subject of education indoctrination. Remember it was Obama and William Ayers who pushed the International Baccalaureate on Chicago schools through the Annenberg Challenge.