Hawaii Governor Abercrombie's Obama Birth Certificate Search Comes up Fruitless

Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii claimed a few weeks ago he could produce the infamous Obama long-form birth certificate. He said it with confidence believing the whole Obama citizenship issue would be forever put aside. Just one problem though.

It's been revealed the Governor is having issues finding the birth certificate. Are you surprised?

World Net Daily Reports:

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.

So he couldn't find it, even though he alluded that he had it a few weeks ago to the mainstream media, a story Chris Matthews even told. Oh but don't fear, it what may be a form of shenanigans, Abercrombie says he has finally found the birth certificate. Now wait a minute, a few weeks ago you said you would have no problem producing proof. Then there seems to be a problem producing proof. Now we are back to no problem producing proof. Something stinks here.

The New York Daily News writes:

Officials in Hawaii have tracked down papers indicating that President Obama was indeed born in their state, according to its new governor.

Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who took office in December, told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser on Tuesday that "our investigation" indicates there is a recording of his birth.

"It actually exists in the archives, written down," he said.

Written down? Notice the word birth certificate isn't used, but the word papers is used in the story. Papers? What does that mean? Is it the long-form birth certificate or not Governor?

Oh but when you read down the page you learn that Abercrombie doesn't appear to be confident in whatever it is he claims he has.

On Tuesday, he again promised he would do "what I can do" to publicly verify that records show Obama was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United States, making him eligible to be President.

Wait a minute Governor, it sounded like in a few paragraphs above this you were ready. Now you are promising again. It appears Abercrombie may be in the midst of a huge cover up, and may have made a promise and made claims he may not be able to keep.

Why isn't the mainstream media reporting that Abercrombie without a doubt said he could produce the birth certificate but has come up fruitless in his search and claim? This is big news that's obviously getting passed over for obvious reasons.