Fort Wayne International Airport Won't Let Soldier Hand Out Pocket Constitutions at TSA Checkpoints

Americans, do you know your Constitutional rights? Apparently a United States Army soldier doesn't believe enough of you do, and so he decided he would hand out pocket Constitutions to travelers going through TSA checkpoints to remind them their Fourth Amendment right is being violated by the United States government through the TSA. Guess what?

This soldier's First Amendment right may have been violated. Isn't that sad considering we have another soldier, like myself, facing his First Amendment taken away from him by the federal government.

Paul Anthony Stanton was told he couldn't hand out pocket Constitutions at the airport to travelers standing in line waiting for their naked body scans for a TSA thug to feel their privates before they board their planes. He was told to take his pocket Constitutions to a designated "free speech zone" located in some remote part of the airport--probably in the smokers lounge. Actually it's located outside of the terminal, but still...

The news is now getting national attention as the ACLU has filed a case against the Fort Wayne, Indiana airport that says this soldier's First Amendment has been violated and that he has every right to pass out pocket Constitutions to travelers before the federal government violates their Fourth Amendment.

This should be interesting to watch. Let's hope it's another win for the Constitution, and occasionally, and I do mean occasionally the ACLU is on the right side of the argument.