More SEIU Chapters Choosing Not to Participate in Obamacare Through Government Waivers

During the Obamacare townhall meetings conducted by members of Congress, you may have had a run in with a thug in a purple shirt. These purple shirts were staunch defenders of Obama's big government healthcare plan that forces Americans to engage in commerce, while driving up benefit costs for employers and pushing more federal regulations on insurance companies.

Now more of these purple shirts, who were so passionate about Obamacare that they attacked Obamacare protesters, are getting more opt outs from Obama's new healthcare law. That's right, more and more of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) are being given a pass from Obamacare from the federal government.

( – Three local chapters of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), whose political action committee spent $27 million supporting Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, have received temporary waivers from a provision in the Obamacare law.

The three SEIU chapters include the Local 25 in Obama’s hometown of Chicago.

This is just more exemptions for the SEIU, which has already received waivers from participating last year as well. Now if Obamacare was so good that it was worth going to jail for after attacking freedom-loving Americans, why is the more and more of the SEIU looking for a free pass from Obamacare?