The Republicans Have Less than $99 Billion to Go Before Signing Their Death Wish in Congress

Have you seen the national debt? It is now at $14.195 trillion and probably much higher as I type this. That means Congress has less than $100 billion to go before they reach the debt ceiling. As you know, this is probably a done deal, no matter how much political kicking and screaming that goes on in front of the cameras, the Republicans, who just passed a meager bill to keep the government operating in exchange for some really meager spending cuts and who failed to even come close to the $100 billion in spending cuts promised, more than likely will vote to raise the debt ceiling. They almost have to considering their compromise with Obama for the Bush tax cuts. They were clearly outplayed.

“The Treasury Department now estimates that the United States will reach the debt limit between April 15, 2011 and May 31, 2011."

Time Magazine: Where is Karl Marx When You Need Him?

The main stream media isn't even hiding anymore. They are quite open about turning the United States into a Karl Marx brand of socialism country. Consider this sad article from Time released yesterday:

Before I started writing this column on why paychecks are likely to keep shrinking even if unemployment starts to inch down, I consulted Google to see if the term Marxism was trending upward. It was and has been ever since the end of December, the conclusion of a year in which workers' share of the U.S. economic pie shrank to the smallest piece ever: 54.4% of GDP, down from about 60% in the 1970s.

No wonder Marx is back in fashion. It's been more than 100 years since the German philosopher predicted that capitalism's voraciousness would be its undoing - as bosses invest more in new technologies to make things more cheaply and efficiently and less in workers themselves, who, deprived of fair wages, would eventually rise up and revolt. That hasn't happened, of course, though depressed wages certainly contributed to the revolution in Egypt, not to mention lots of other instances of public unrest over the past few years. But the fact that wages in the U.S. and most other rich countries have been falling since the 1970s and went off a cliff after the recent financial crisis is going to become a more pressing economic and political concern. Just think how hard it will be for Obama to sell himself in 2012 if salaries are still falling. (See 25 people to blame for the financial crisis.)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is Going to Milk 49 States so New York Can Have Cheaper Milk

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is preparing to squeeze the taxpayers teat all so New York can have cheaper milk. She announced plans today to ensure federal help gets to New York's declining dairy farm industry.

The state lost 23 percent of its dairy farms in five years. Gillibrand will announce emergency steps such as preventing cuts to the Milk Income Loss program and fixing the milk-pricing system to create competitive pricing for New York dairy producers.

From 2002 to 2007, New York State lost nearly 25 percent of all dairy farms, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and continues to lose dairy farms.

Like I said, she is going to squeeze the other 49 to ensure New York has cheaper milk, and I cannot for the life of me see how this fits under interstate commerce since the goal here is to deliver New York Milk to New Yorkers. So expect federal subsidies to ensure Senator Gillibrand fixes the prices just like other agriculture subsidies have done the same.

Six Republicans Jump Off the Boehner Keep the Government Operating Express

John Boehner lost the support of six Republicans with his plan to prevent the government from shutting down. Reps. Justin Amash (R., Mich.), Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.), Louie Gohmert (R., Texas), Steve King (R., Iowa), Ron Paul (R., Texas), and Walter Jones (R., N.C.) all voted against Boehner's meager $4 billion spending cuts to prevent the shutdown. Amash was the only freshman to vote no.

The two-week spending resolution cuts spending by $4 billion dollars and ensures the government will function at full steam ahead for another two weeks. By the way, to show you how insignificant this $4 billion in cuts is, the federal government spends $36 billion a day as of 2008, and as of 2007, the daily average added to the national debt totaled $4.15 billion. That number has skyrocketed since Obama took office.

Why is John Boehner so intent on keeping the government operating at full-capacity rather than slow it down until Democrats are willing to cut critical programs that continue this absurd building of the national debt?

I support the efforts of my GOP colleagues to move the budget process along so that we can work toward serious spending reductions. Unfortunately, this budget cuts spending at the rate of only $133 million/week or $6.95 billion/year. That’s four-tenths of one percent of our annual deficit.

By the way, fed up with wasteful spending Billy Long once again sided with the establishment. oh, yes Long continues to prove himself as a budget-cutting JOKE.

Obama to Hit States Up for $118 Billion to Cover Medicaid Expansion

Obama has been given states and their rights some lust lately. You can't call it love, because lust, and not love, betrays. Remember last week, Obama said the states could opt out of Obamacare under certain conditions. Consider the next fact, and ask yourself how is any state going to opt out when the federal government comes after this large sum of money from struggling states across the fruited plain.

Obamacare is set to expand Medicare. For this expansion, the federal government will look to the states for $118 billion dollars total by 2023. Here's what you need to know from National Review:

The massive increases in new federal spending under the health care law did not include the new Medicaid state spending mandates; and American taxpayers are still discovering the extent of PPACA’s costs. In 2017, state governments will be forced to spend new money on expanded Medicaid populations, and by 2020, the states will shoulder these new costs fully. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) originally estimated new state spending on Medicaid at $20 billion between 2017 and 2019, and an independent report from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured found that new state spending would be even higher at $43.2 billion through 2019. More recently, CBO has estimated a $60 billion cost to the states through 2021. …

This report conservatively estimates that PPACA will cost state taxpayers at least $118.04 billion through 2023.

The state-by-state findings9 of this report indicate just how unrealistic PPACA’s Medicaid mandates are for the states. California will spend at least another $19.4 billion on Medicaid; perhaps that is why former Governor Schwarzenegger said, “It is not reform to push more costs on states that are already struggling … and this bill … is a disaster for California…” The Texas Health and Human Services Commission estimated that Texas alone will be forced to spend $27 billion—more than the program’s entire annual budget today. The state of Idaho found that the law would grow its Medicaid program by nearly 50 percent. With $675 million in new costs for his state, it is not surprising that Governor Beshear (D-KY) recently said, “I have no idea how we’re going to pay for it.” Finally, former Governor Bredesen (D-TN) noted reality: “I can’t think of a worse time for this bill to be coming … nobody’s going to put their state into bankruptcy or their education system in the tank for it.”

March 2011: I Turn 40 This Month: Bungalow Bill's Mid-Life Crisis is Upon Us

I am amazed at how fast this month really did come. The last ten years have flown by. I have no clue where they went, and now it is March 2011. In just over two weeks, I turn 40. I really don't know how I feel about that. In some ways, it's just another day and another number, but then there is that reality check. Forty...

Anyway, I think Bungalow Bill is having a mid-life crisis, and I can't even put the top down on the car to deal with it like so many have before me. So I guess I will just listen to one of my favorite songs. Here's Jack Johnson doing one of Jimmy Buffet's classics--A Pirate Looks at 40.

Redefining Rigorous: The Truth About the International Baccalaureate

I believe the Federal Government has not Constitutional authority to be involved in education. The more the federal government pushes a one size fits all education policy, the more it seems American test scores suffer. Now, all across the United States, more and more schools, like Ozark High School in one of the most conservative areas of the country, are looking past the federal education program and are looking to give up more local control to an international body. You heard me right. The program is called the International Baccalaureate, and it's the same globalist agenda Barack Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers pushed through the Chicago Public Schools.

The curriculum is approved by the United Nations and developed in Europe--far away from American schools. It teachers children to be good little globalists. I have been recently introduced to a book written by Lisa E. McLoughlin. Her book, titled Redefining Rigourous: The Truth About the International Baccalaureate details why Ozark High School and school systems across the United States should approach the IB with caution.

Redefining Rigorous

BBCW is not Selling Viagra

Some readers noticed that Viagra article today. BBCW was hacked earlier today, and fortunately the damage done was minimal. The articles have been removed and extra precautions have ensured it won't happen again.

While American Children Play PS3, Pakistani Kids Pretend to be Suicide Bombers

There is a video that is outraging many. Here's the video:

So, I guess my question is what's the difference between these kids emulating violence and American children playing war on PS3 or Xbox 360? I know this isn't the position you might think I would take, but just like these Pakistani kids are conditioned to believe this is fun, a lot of war games promote this same conditioning. I sometimes wonder if the real consequences of war are understood as history books have been replaced by simulated battles, multiple lives, and a reset button.

Did Charlie Sheen Say it or Did Muammar Gaddafi Say It?

A new Web site out there asks whose rant is it, Charlie Sheen or Muammar Gaddafi? In the last week, Sheens rants have caused disruptions as have Gaddfis. So whose rant is it? Here are the rants:

1. I have defeated this earthworm with my words – imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists

2. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body

3. Life without dignity is worthless

4. I'm extremely old-fashioned, I'm a nobleman, I'm chivalrous

5. I am like the Queen of England

6. I am much bigger than any rank, for those who are talking about rank, I am a fighter

7. Every great movement begins with one man

8. These resentments, they are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my sabre

9. I woke up at 4am, before dawn. You should be asleep. You're all tired after a sleepless night

10. 9/11 was 'an absolute fairytale, a complete work of fiction'


1. Sheen
2. Sheen
3. Gaddafi
4. Sheen
5. Gaddafi
6. Gaddafi
7. Sheen
8. Sheen
9. Gaddafi
10. Sheen

Adding to the Kennedy Womanizing Legacy: A Rented Brothel

When it comes to sex and politics, the name Kennedy comes to mind. You had both John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy sharing Marilyn Monroe and then throwing her out with the garbage. Jackie Kennedy made the pages of Hustler naked, and of course there was the waitress sandwich incident with Ted Kennedy. So the next story shouldn't surprise anyone.

In 1961, Ted Kennedy rented out a brothel for the night--you know cat house, hookers, best little whore house in Texas, Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada type of place. In a new document released by the FBI, a year before Ted Kennedy ran for the US Senate, he attempted to rent the brothel for the night in Chile.

According to the memo, the Massachusetts Democrat made arrangements to rent the brothel "for an entire night" in Santiago earlier in 1961. "Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night's activities," according to the memo.

One State Department official described Kennedy as "pompous and a spoiled brat," according to the memo. Kennedy was making a fact-finding trip to several Latin American countries. "Kennedy met with a number of individuals known to have communist sympathies," the memo said.

It's all part of the Kennedy legacy... I am sure there are more stories to tell.

The Word of the Day in Washington DC is Ass: How Appropriate

The word of the day in Washington DC is ass. It seems everyone is using it these days. In case you missed it earlier, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is worried the public is going to thing Congress is a bunch of "jackasses" with the release of a report showing the extreme government waste. As if Senator Coburn didn't think we were smart enough to figure it out on our own without another report reminding us that consumed more tax dollars.

Now Senator Orrin Hatch is using the word ass. He is calling Obamacare dumb-ass program. I think most knew that as well.

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You know, this rhetoric reminds me of 1992, when George H.W. Bush began using the words Bozo and Ozoneman to describe Bill Clinton and Al Gore. It may make some headlines, but it does little more. In both of these cases, what are you going to do about it Senator Coburn and Senator Hatch?

Obama Gives Mitt for Brains Romney a Shining Endorsement

I hope yesterday was the nail in Mitt for Brains Romney's presidential aspirations coffin. Yesterday, Barack Obama praised Mitt Romney, and it is the type of praise Republicans, Constitutional conservatives, and libertarians should pay attention to.

In recent days, it appears Obama's fight for Obamacare will be around structuring language that allows the states to opt out of Obamacare. However, there is a catch that's just as unconstitutional as Obamacare. Obama wants to force the states to adopt their own version of Obamacare, similar to Romney's healthcare plan in Massachusetts, and as we found out earlier today, this all is in hopes of pushing a single-payer system. Now Obama has little authority to tell the states to do anything, but he is trying to create the illusion states have rights in this matter, when that isn't his intention at all.

As Obama addressed the National Governors Association conference yesterday, he praised Mitt for Brains Romney.

"In fact, I agree with Mitt Romney, who recently said he's proud of what he accomplished on health care in Massachusetts and supports giving states the power to determine their own health care solutions," Obama said.

Do I need to remind you the Romneycare system is broke and Massachusetts is another one of those states needing a bailout? So what Obama is saying also is he is proud of a failing system that is crippling the state forcing more dependence on the federal government, while using a Decepticon's healthcare system in Massachusetts to promote his own agenda. Why is the Republican party even allowing Mitt for Brains Romney into this race considering?

Perhaps, the GOP isn't as against socialized healthcare as they would have you believe. After all, they are promising repeal and REPLACE.

Obama's Healthcare Flexibility is Really Federal Health Care Expansion

Those rascally Republicans have all but forgotten about their promise to repeal Obamacare. They did their vote and then they got quiet. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, the evil mad scientist known as Barack Obama began wondering how he could expand Obamacare, and it appears he is going to do it by acting like he cares about states rights. Remember, Obama told the states they could opt out providing they come up with something that meets the goals of Obamacare. The Politico reports today something more sinister is happening behind closed doors.

A source on a White House conference call with liberal allies this morning says the Administration is presenting it to Democrats as an opportunity to offer more expansive health care plans than the one Congress passed.

You didn't think Obama was going to give up the idea of full socialist single-payer healthcare in American did you? Sound the death panel warnings, the current version of Obamacare will soon be dead, and Obama has plans to replace it while the Republicans twiddle their thumbs.

The source on the call summarizes the officials' point -- which is not one the Administration has sought to make publically -- as casting the new "flexibility" language as an opportunity to try more progressive, not less expansive, approaches on the state level.

"They are trying to split the baby here: on one hand tell supporters this is good for their pet issues, versus a message for the general public that the POTUS is responding to what he is hearing and that he is being sensible," the source emails. (This CNN story reflects the public presentation.)

Much of the debate now focuses on the federal government's power, and perhaps health care legislation's critics wouldn't object to single payer -- in Vermont.

There you go. The end game has been exposed of Obama's new flexibility. That didn't take long, but who is surprised?

Senator Tom Coburn States What We Already Knew: Congress is Full of "Jackasses"

I like Senator Tom Coburn, but I find he has overestimated the people's faith in Congress. I am surprised.

Sen. Tom Coburn issued a cryptic warning about a Government Accountability Office report that will be released Tuesday morning, saying it will make “all of us look like jackasses.”

The Oklahoma Republican, who’s read the GAO report, refused to elaborate or say what led him to that conclusion. But the report, which was later leaked to several news outlets, identified billions of dollars in waste from overlap and duplication in federal agencies, offices and programs.

For example, there are about 80 federal programs across several agencies aimed at promoting economic development, according to the Wall Street Journal, which received a copy of the report. And there are 20 programs that seek to address homelessness.

“Read the report that comes out tomorrow from the GAO that looked at the government that we put in the last debt-limit extension – makes us all look like jackasses. …” Coburn told reporters at the Capitol on Monday night. “Go study that. It will show why we are $14 trillion in debt.”

With all due respect Senator Coburn, isn't the fact alone that we have $14 trillion in debt justification for calling Congress a bunch of jackasses? I mean nobody can get away with running their business like this and expect to survive.

Texas Calls for an Article V Convention to Balance the Federal Budget

Last week, news was hitting about Rand Paul calling for an Article V convention (not a Constitutional Convention) to get the states to force the federal government to balance the budget. Now the state of Texas is jumping on board.

By a vote of 27 to 7, the Texas State Senate approved Senate Joint Resolution 1, which calls for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Billy Long, The Congressman Has No Clothes: Not Fed Up, Not Constitutional, and Now Not Tea Party

Hans Christian Anderson's tale The Emperor's New Clothes, tells the tale of a not very bright leader who is exposed to his followers. In the first two months of Congressman Billy Long's first and hopefully only term in Congress, we have quickly learned Billy Long has stripped naked and exposed who he is, and it's not a pretty site.

With news coming out of Washington that Billy Long will not caucus with the Tea Party Caucus, the final piece of fraud has been ripped away from Long's body, and I say good. Anyone who believed Billy Long was Tea Party and not establishment was a fool. However, isn't it funny after Vicky Hartzler voted to continue federal funding of Amtrak, she thinks she can pass herself off as Tea Party? She joined and Long didn't.

Billy Long has embraced the establishment of Washington DC. His best friend these days appears to be Republican Gun Grabber Peter King, who Long seems to have no problem co-sponsoring legislation with. So let's look at Billy Long's Tea Party record, the same Billy Long who said he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool.

In his first two months, Long voted against the Constitution and for the  Patriot Act. Shortly before his Patriot Act vote, Long used the FBI's office to intimidate a Tea Party blogger into silence. All the while, Long has yet to introduce any legislation that cuts federal spending while lying the Republicans cut $100 billion in federal spending, when they didn't even get close, while Congressman Long voted to continue funding wasteful Washington spending like sponsoring NASCAR teams. So finally, because Long must be fed up with Tea Parties and trying to convince people he is Tea Party, he decides he won't caucus with the Tea Party Caucus as now his entire soul has been exposed as the establishment. Your Congressman has no clothes. Will you continue to believe his lies?