The Republicans Have Less than $99 Billion to Go Before Signing Their Death Wish in Congress

Have you seen the national debt? It is now at $14.195 trillion and probably much higher as I type this. That means Congress has less than $100 billion to go before they reach the debt ceiling. As you know, this is probably a done deal, no matter how much political kicking and screaming that goes on in front of the cameras, the Republicans, who just passed a meager bill to keep the government operating in exchange for some really meager spending cuts and who failed to even come close to the $100 billion in spending cuts promised, more than likely will vote to raise the debt ceiling. They almost have to considering their compromise with Obama for the Bush tax cuts. They were clearly outplayed.

“The Treasury Department now estimates that the United States will reach the debt limit between April 15, 2011 and May 31, 2011."