Peter King Obviously the Wrong Chair for the Homeland Security Committee: More Rights Violations Coming

The problem with the Department of Homeland Security is they are trampling on the rights of Americans. Whether it be naked body scanners, the TSA's hands all over your body, or the new Z Backscatter vans capable of driving through your neighborhood and taking x-ray images of what is inside your house or car without a warrant, the Department of Homeland Security is sacrificing the Constitutional rights of Americans for the illusion of safety.

While I had hoped the Republican change in the House would slow down the oppressive nature of Janet Napolitano's new police state, my hopes are diminished very quickly after the Republicans took control of the House. Peter King, the chair of the Homeland Security Committee, appears ready to trample more of your rights.

King (R-NY) is proposing more gun control after last Saturday's shooting. That's right, look at the deceptive R behind his name and consider his proposal. King, along with the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, are readying legislation that would make it a felony to carry any type of firearm within 1000 feet of a federal official.

What's that mean exactly? In a country where the right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon in order to secure freedom, it sounds like to me a REPUBLICAN is getting ready to infringe upon the right of the people all because of an isolated incident. This is the reactionary outcome we don't need from the Republican party right now. Furthermore, what faith do you have the Department of Homeland Security will be brought under control and placed within the limits of the Constitution with this kind of leadership in Congress overseeing this new freedom killing bureaucracy?