Hillary Clinton Calls Jared Loughner an Extremist and Radical Ideolouge

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is making her voice heard. She is quick to label Jared Loughner as an extremist and radical ideologue. What happened to that "let's not rush to judgement" mentality after the Fort Hood shootings? With all the signs pointing to radical Islam, these same people told us not to rush to judgement with titles like extremist and radicals after the Fort Hood shootings. Now they are using the verbiage like they opened up a box of Cracker Jack's.

"We have extremists in my country. A wonderful, incredibly brave young woman Congress member, Congresswoman Giffords, was just shot by an extremist in our country," Hillary Clinton said.

"We have the same kinds of problems. So rather than standing off from each other, we should work to try to prevent the extremists anywhere from being able to commit violence."

With all proof Jason Loughner was a mental case, including denied enlistment in the United States Army for mental problems, we hear the same people who told us not to rush to judgement on Major Nadik Hasan, a Muslim, rushing to judgement on Loughner. Why?

That's easy. Even though people who knew him describe him as a left-wing liberal, they think they quickly spin this to discredit the right, the Tea Party movement, and gun owners all to push their agenda. Thank God this happened after the Republicans took over the House, or these idiots would push their agenda on the American people by simply rushing to judgement.