Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee to Order State Officials to Stay Off Talk Radio

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee is ready to issue an order that no state government official can talk to the public on talk radio. Whether this is based on the current vitriol against talk radio that places blame on the hosts rather than the sick mind of Jared Loughner is unknown. Chafee attacked talk radio as a for profit business and that state officials shouldn't be used to help them make a profit despite the medium provides a large venue for state officials to talk about what the government of Rhode Island is up to.

In fact, it almost feels like Chafee is censoring the government. Newspapers are written for profit--profits that are made the same way radio makes profit. As well TV news makes profits in the same way--advertising. With that said, what is stopping Chafee from furthering the order to keep more of the people of Rhode Island out of the loop?

Will those who don't comply lose their jobs or be impeached? How do you start an impeachment for simply participating in democracy and freedom of speech?