A Republican DECEPTICON (Peter King) Proposes New Gun Control Law After Tuscon Shooting

A Republican is now jumping into the ring to propose more gun control after last Saturday's shooting in Tuscon. Why am I not surprised? I guess because I was given some insight about how far people in the GOP are willing to go to rob you of your Constitutional rights yesterday. Many in the GOP are DECEPTICONS! Plain and simple, and the Tea Party needs to wake up to this face.

Consider the Second Amendment for just a second.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now let's look at that that means. Our founding fathers knew the enemy of freedom is oppression and oppression can be found by enemies both foreign and domestic. They knew the only way to maintain freedom is give the people of the United States the right to bear arms. Now consider what Republican Peter King is proposing and what it means to the Second Amendment and the security clause.

King wants to make it illegal to to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a federal official. What about a federal official who is destroying the very freedoms the founders granted in the Constitution and provided the Second Amendment to ensure there were ways for a free people to fight oppressive enemies (as a last resort of course)?

Do you see how dangerous this GOP Congressman's thinking is?

I like you feel the horrible pain of this tragedy, but robbing Americans of their rights so these average men who serve in Congress can have some illusion of safety is no way to respond to the tragedy. Gun control is not nor has it ever been the answer, and now you have this Republican proposing just that--gun control--which is a clear violation of the Constitution.