More Sex Allegations Against Brett Favre: A Sad Way to See a Legend Go

Brett Favre had a disappointing season. We all knew why he came back. At 40 years old, he was one game away from playing in his third Super Bowl. Unfortunately, the age stated catching up with him late in his last good season and it showed in his final season. As if that wasn't a sad enough way to watch a legend go out, there are more sexual allegations surfacing against Brett Favre tonight.

Two New York women who worked for the New York Jets as massage therapists have filed a sexual harassment case against the newly retired quarterback. I bet these things went on in Green Bay, but being such a tight knit community Brett Favre coming onto a Wisconsin girl was probably more of an honor that a greedy New York girl.

Christina Scavo and Shannon O'Toole claim their services were no longer needed by the Jets after they refused sexual requests from Favre. They claim Favre asked them to participate in a threesome. Scavo's husband went as far as demanding Favre stop harassing his wife--a story that has been told before in New York.

Last week it was announced Favre was charged $50,000 by the NFL for an earlier incident, but not because they found wrong doing. Simply Favre decided he wouldn't participate in the investigation.

It really is a sad way to watch him go. Now there will be talk of whether Favre will be a first round Hall of Famer or not. It may have been better for him just to remain retired, but the question needs to be asked, why did all of these women wait over two years to complain. Perhaps the almighty green is talking again.