Fiat Currency Doesn't Make Jared Loughner a Right Winger

Can we set something straight once and for all. Jared Loughner is a sick man. Too many politicians in Washington DC are ignoring this simple fact as more doctors are making statements that Loughner shows signs of a paranoid schizophrenic in order to advance their political agenda. It's just sick in my opinion as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords lays in a hospital clinging to life with her husband by her side. They describe the vitriol, but advancing their political agenda in the name of Giffords is the ultimate form of vitriol if you want my opinion.

So I am listening to Representative Brad Sherman's interview with Fox News, which he cleverly injects that Loughner is a right-winger. Ignoring all the facts that those who know Loughner continue to make statements he supported the left, Sherman finds one issue to place Loughner on the right, fiat currency. There was no other example that Sherman could come up with other than fiat currency, which is paper money basically worth nothing because it's not backed by anything but the good faith of the government.

I wonder how much longer until Ron Paul is blamed for Saturday's shooting? After all, he is a fierce opponent of current US financial policy conducted by the Federal Reserve.

Seriously, is this the best example Sherman has to tie Loughner to the right? There isn't an American alive that shouldn't be concerned about the value of paper currency at the rate the Federal Reserve is printing money. Oh, they are trying hard to push this crazy to the right, but every time they attempt, just like Sherman does in his interview with Fox News, they are creating more vitriol that divides. If you want to know the real source of vitriol, look no further than Congress.