Congratulations to the 112th Congress Freshman Class: We Are Watching You (Billy Long and Others)

The freshmen of the 112th Congress. Filling in for Billy Long is his
dashboard Bozo the Clown inflatable toy which sits on the dash
of his Ford F150.

Congratulations to the freshman class of the 112th Congress. The voters rejected the socialist changes of Barack Obama in less than two years, and you are the prized recipients of the voters trust hoping you will return our great country back to a Constitutional Republic. Consider the words of the Constitution that will be read on the House floor and remember your powers as a Congressman are limited. If you overstep those 18 enumerated powers we have entrusted you will ONLY carry out, you will be called on it. We aren't playing around anymore. Freedom is much to valuable to watch Republicans lose their way again just like they did a few years ago.

If you don't believe me, just test the waters. You won't be given a pardon this time like the GOP got so many times before from 2002 to 2006. You become Constitutional conservatives and you are guaranteed to keep your jobs. Remember, we are watching you.

It's Congressmen like Billy Long, who has already shown his hypocritical side as he pandered to voters who will be watched closely. Long, who ran against earmarks sought earmarks while serving on the Springfield Branson Airport board. A few of the true Constitutional conservatives take note and put these type of Republicans who pretend to follow the Tea Party philosophies on a short leash, or they will ruin your conservative revolution for good. You have been warned.