California Residents Forced to Give Up 100 Watt Light Bulbs

The war against government tyranny finds its way all over the spectrum attacking freedom whenever possible. It even finds its way into your home is such simple objects as light bulbs, where governments continue to removed your freedom of choice and are forcing residents to sacrifice environmental safety for energy savings. We know the federal government has already waged its war against Thomas Edison's invention. Now the state of California is waging its war.

As of January 1, 2011, California residents will no longer be able to purchase 100 watt light bulbs. They require residents to lessen the load with a 72 watt bulb. A government that can tell you what kind of light bulbs you can use is a government with far too much power.

The bulbs are halogen bulbs, which in the past, some halogen light sources in the home have been prone to overheating, exploding, and causing fires. They are being sold as sharing the same costs as the 100 watt bulb with one exception, they make you buy them in four packs which doubles the cost.