Obama the Messiah Returns: It's a Miracle Giffords Opens Her Eyes in Obama's Presence

Watching last night's memorial, or was that campaign kick off pep rally, really felt like a disrespectful event towards those who had fallen. Obamagasms in branded t-shirts handed out by the White House branding the event "together we thrive" was overkill and a cheapening of the memories of those who had fallen. After it was over, did you catch what George Stephanopoulus said as the event was turned back to the networks?

Stephanopoulus commented on Obama's comments noting Gabrielle Gifford's opened her eyes with Obama in the room, resurrecting Obama the messiah. Stephanopoulus was commented on Obama's own words.

President Barack Obama announced Wednesday evening that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords “opened her eyes for the first time” since being shot through the head on Saturday as she greeted constituents in a Tucson supermarket parking lot. “She knows we’re here,” Obama told memorial-goers. “She knows we love her.”

Listen, I am happy this Congresswoman is beating the odds and making progress, but the context which Stephanopoulus spoke created images of a Biblical miracle performed by Jesus Christ, as if Obama walked into that hospital room and performed a miracle. Make no mistake, last night's event was the mainstream media's chance to turn back to clock to 2008, when they turned Obama into a Christ like figure ready to come and save the world. Staphanopoulus's comments suggests a second coming. We are now into presidential campaign mode and the media is at work.