The American Dream: Movie Provides Insight into the Federal Reserve

The American Dream Trailer from American Dream on Vimeo.

My buddy Tim over at Left Coast Rebel is promoting a new movie exposing the Federal Reserve called The American Dream.

The mission of the film is to expose the evil central bank known as the Federal Reserve. Remember, our Founding Fathers warned us against Central Banks. Of course, our government leaders have ignored many of their warnings, which is why we are looking more like an evil empire these days rather than a free Constitutional Republic, which they established.

The movie's goals are to end the fed, create a fair system of taxation, return to a currency backed by gold, end the culture and economy of debt, and return to sound banking practices. You can visit the official Web site of the movie at:

Now this isn't the first time a movie has been produced to expose the evils of the Federal Reserve. Aaron Russo produced Freedom to Fascism a few years ago that opened up my eyes to the evils of the fed.

You can watch Freedom to Fascism in its entirety here: