KOLR Reports Billy Long's Springfield Congressional Office will be Located on East Battlefield

KOLR is reporting the 7th Congressional District office will be moved from East Sunshine to East Battlefield when Billy Long takes his oath of office next week. East Battlefield, boy that sounds familiar... East Battlefield?

The changing face of politics in Missouri means it's time to rearrange some furniture.

Next week, Congressman-elect Billy Long and Senator-elect Roy Blunt will take their oaths of office.

On Tuesday, all the property from Congressman Blunt's Springfield office was moved out and will eventually be put in place at Billy Long's Springfield office on East Battlefield.

After a fresh coat of paint in Blunt's office on East Sunshine, the office furniture from Senator Kit Bond's office will be moved in.

Both houses of Congress have separate assets so this is part of the transition.

Let's see, Billy Long--East Battlefield. Oh, that's right. East Battlefield is also the location of the infamous man nights at the Metropolitan Grill--strippers, illegal high-stakes poker games. I guess this is a sort of in-your-face Scott Eckersley move on Billy Long's part. No reason to hide it now. Man nights is a hop, skip, and a jump away from the office when Congressman Long is back in the district.