$56 Billion Spent by GOP and Dems to Nation Build in Afghanistan: $29 Billion for Afghan Security Forces

As our great Republic crumbles, you will be happy to know both Republicans and Democrats have spent over $56 billion to nation build in Afghanistan. I wonder what James Madison would have to say about that. I have a feeling I know.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."

To make matters worse, it appears the $56 billion was sent to Afghanistan with no goals are accountability. So as our country faces $14 billion in federal debt and many of the states are a total mess as well, $56 billion was carelessly sent to Afghanistan and may or may not have been appropriately used. Wanna bet when the audit is done it was inappropriately used.

"There are no controls in place sufficient enough to ensure taxpayers' money is used for the (intended) purpose," said Arnold Fields, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction. His independent office was created in 2008 to energize oversight of what U.S. auditors have described as a giant, poorly coordinated aid effort that has sunk some $56 billion into Afghanistan since 2002.

You know what this means don't you. The Republican Congress under George W. Bush was sending large amounts of money to nation build in Afghanistan with little to none oversight. And these people call themselves conservatives? They are deceptiCONS and the sooner you learn that the better this country will be so we can kick these bums out and vote in real conservatives.

There is no federal authority in the Constitution to go nation building. I think Madison's quote, which was stated in Congress as Congress voted to appropriate money to help some refugees, applies today just as it did in when Madison served in Congress.

Here's what Fields has offered so far. $29 billion was used to teach Afghan security forces how to shoot. Another $16 billion was in the form of redistribution of wealth to deliver Afghanistan out of poverty. A lot of this money was appropriated by Republicans--REPUBLICANS.