Should Eric Holder be Fired? You tell me..

By Michael Wardell

As Bill is reporting, ABC news has a piece with our Attorney General of the United States Stating

"The threat has changed from simply worrying about foreigners coming here, to worrying about people in the United States, American citizens -- raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in which they were born," he said."

Mr Holder took an oath: "To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic"
Is he living up to his oath? Does he think that these 'radicalized' people are a threat to the Constitution.....or a treat to an ever expanding Big Brother Government?

Please opine and let me know. I can't believe he said it and I would want at a minimum someone in the Senate or the House to call him out on it and defend the American People.