A Strange Account of the Condoleezza Rice/Billy Long Harvard Encounter

The Inside Missouri Politics blog has this interesting account of the tax payer funded boondoggle at Harvard University Billy Long attended earlier this month. The new political lightweight News Leader political reporter, Roseann Moring writes about this exchange at the Fair Tax meeting Billy Long pandered to earlier this week.

He also spoke about his preparation for Washington. He attended a seminar at Harvard University where he spoke former officials such as Condoleezza Rice and the architect of No Child Left Behind.

“Did you shoot her?” asked an attendee.

“She wanted to shoot me,” he said.

Did you shoot her? What does that mean? Is it a reference to Billy Long's alleged racist ways and comments? I am not sure, but I believe his answer.

I mean this is Dr. Rice, a brilliant mind in foreign policy, talking to political dolt Billy Long who admitted during a Congressional forum he knows little about foreign policy and would call his buddies Jeff Wisdom and Michael Wardell to consult with on foreign policy before voting in Congress. Considering simpleton Congressman-elect Long, can't you just see Billy Long tugging at the back of her shirt as she is trying to flee the scene to get away from Billy Long?

I have said it before and I will say it again. Billy Long is a lot like Donkey in Shrek. He wants the attention and he wants to feel important. So it's "oh pick me, pick me."

Of course in this scene, Dr. Rice would be Shrek.