All Americans are Terrorists Until Proven Innocent: Eric Holder is Afraid of Americans

The Department of Homeland Security is watching you--keeping records on you. The federal government is ignoring the Fourth Amendment, wire tapping your phones and soon will be able to track you with the GPS receiver in your phone. Now the Department of Justice is ignoring due process laws . In fact, it is a new reality in America that if you are an American citizen you are considered a terrorist until you prove your innocence and it's all thanks to the 9/11 and the Patriot Act. The real terrorists win because our way of life has been compromised for this illusion of safety from the federal government that is destroying the Constitution.

Attorney General Eric Holder is now on record claiming the radical terrorists are Americans.

"It is one of the things that keeps me up at night," Holder said. "You didn't worry about this even two years ago -- about individuals, about Americans, to the extent that we now do. And -- that is of -- of great concern."

"The threat has changed from simply worrying about foreigners coming here, to worrying about people in the United States, American citizens -- raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in which they were born," he said.

I believe this is hype to further destroy the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers warned us of this. Benjamin Franklin said those who give up liberty for security deserve neither, but that's exactly what is happening in the United States. Now we see the federal government creating a Big Brother 1984 Orwellian network to use against its own people. Did you ever think you would see this taking place in America?

It's really a sad day.

So, here is the new Eric Holder theme song since he lays awake worried of Americans. Eric Holder is afraid of Americans.