Congress Doesn't Matter: Obama Pushing Cap and Trade Without Senate Vote

Congress no longer seems to matter, which is one of the reasons Ron Paul has warned about giving up the power to earmark. Paul is on record saying for every power Congress gives up, the executive branch confiscates and puts to use in an unconstitutional manner. We are now seeing that with Cap and Trade.

Knowing they couldn't pass it in the Senate, the Democrats shelfed it. All the while, Obama figured out a way to push cap and trade legislation into federal law without the Congress. Congress doesn't matter anymore because the executive branch has grown into something tyrannical. Consider this:

After failing to get climate-change legislation through Congress, the Obama administration plans on pushing through its environmental policies through other means, and Republicans are ready to put up a fight.

On Jan. 2, new carbon emissions limits will be put forward as the Environmental Protection Agency prepares regulations that would force companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.

Critics say the new rules are a backdoor effort to enact the president's agenda on global warming without the support of Congress, and would hurt the economy and put jobs in jeopardy by forcing companies to pay for expensive new equipment.

So the bureaucracy known as the EPA is going to take it upon itself with Obama's blessing to do the job of Congress and turn this into law even though the Senate wasn't able to pass it with a huge 60-40 majority in the Senate. This is tyranny and this is why the Constitution and the Congress no longer matters. The President and all his men have too much power and Congress continues to shed their responsibility and give it away.