I am pleased to see another blogger is drawing attention to the Ozark school district's plan to turn American students into good global citizens through the globalist agenda of the International Baccalaureate. In the article "Why Not Cede Education To International Authorities?" 24th State accuses Ozark school officials of working to pad their resumes while jeopardizing the education and values of students attending Ozark High School.
I'm in favor of local control of school programs, but the administration at Ozark is eager to pad their resumes and amp their prestiges by ceding part of their curriculum to an international consortium lauded by the UN and purportedly funded by George Soros.
Well said 24th State! Dr. Gordon Pace is already planning on leaving the district as his name appears as one of six finalists for the superintendent job in Bentonville, Arkansas. Ozark residents will be left to pay for his crimes long after he leaves with a price tag 24th State documents, but of course the ultimate price is the radical left-wing agenda that comes with an IB education--lesson plans that don't promote American values as well as indoctrination in far-left causes like global warming and stopping it using population control, which I have seen evidence of in mathematic story problems.
24th State quotes Dr. Sam Taylor about the initial and annual basic fees involved and then offers some good advice for Ozark parents:
“This is gonna cost some money,” he said. “During the assessment period the district must pay $9,500 a year; then, if we are accepted, there are $10,000 in annual dues. Plus, the district will have to pay for a lot of teacher training and most of the IB sites are not local in places like Florida, California and New York.”
But the board was unfazed by the cost, saying “it was a step in the right direction” for the district.
In the midst of hard economic times, it's good to see that Christian County taxpayers will be expected to shake some more cash out of their pockets to send abroad. So that students can write an essay to learn how to be international. Go to the IBO Web site and bask in how students in Missouri will participate in a diploma programme.
Dr. Taylor's estimates are much lower than the actual costs not noted after the annual dues are paid. Throughout the United States, there are many tales of local property taxes increases due to the expensive education program of the IB.
Anyway, let's welcome 24th State to this fight to keep local control of education at Ozark High School, control that represents the values of Ozark and not the values of the United Nations and the globalists.