Senator Claire McCaskill Joins the GOP in Weak Federal Spending Cuts

Senator Claire McCaskill has joined Republican deceptiCONs in their weak attempt to cut federal spending. While the United States is nearing the debt ceiling and total debt nearly totals the total GDP, McCaskill and some deceptiCONs think we have ten years of comfort to cut federal spending.

The newly filed legislation aims to reduce federal spending over 10 years from the current level of 24.7 percent of the nation's Gross Domestic Product annually down to the historical average of 20.6 percent of GDP.

McCaskill is a chief sponsor with Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. The bill has seven Republican co-sponsors thus far, among them first-term Sen. Mark Kirk, of Illinois. No Democrat other than McCaskill has stepped forward to support the plan, suggesting that it could encounter stiff opposition in the Democratic-run Senate.

Politicians typically shy away from proposals to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid because of the backlash that arrives from all directions.

The proposed Corker-McCaskill CAP Act — for Commitment to American Prosperity — calls for pro-rated, across-the-board cuts starting in 2013 if federal spending doesn't decline sufficiently. At that point it would take a super majority of two-thirds in the Senate and House to undo the cuts. The specter of automatic cuts in entitlement programs is an incentive to redesign them, sponsors said.

At a news conference, Corker called the proposal "a simple, elegant bill" that would reduce government spending by $7.8 trillion over 10 years.

First off, cutting government spending isn't debt reduction. The percentage of cuts of four percent of GDP of isn't enough. We are broke, and Senator McCaskill and Republicans are telling us four percent is a responsible spending cuts, which means, despite Claire Mama Caskill's rhetoric that claims cuts to unconstitutional entitlement programs, there is actually few cuts to entitlements.

If the GOP or McCaskill was serious about cutting federal debt, they would sunset these entitlement programs--not tell us that four percent is responsible. It's not responsible, and the government will still be spending money it doesn't have. Who do these politicians think they are fooling? Don't you see the historical average they claim is based on the the entitlement programs of the Great Society and the New Deal living--rather than being phased out to die a slow death.

Here's what McCaskill is worried about. She is worried about how she will be seen after making these minimal cuts. "I guarantee you that in Missouri, there will be a 30-second commercial in the not-too-distant future saying that I'm trying to take Social Security away from seniors," she said.

Wake up Claire! We are on borrowed time. The amount of debt this country owes isn't going to go away as you worry about what your reelection. This is a joke Senator McCaskill, and that's what I have to say about your plan. Sunset these programs! They are destroying this country with their unfunded liabilities.