Does it get any worse than Charlie Sheen? Well maybe Sean Penn. During a radio interview yesterday on the Alex Jones show, Sheen claimed he was completely clean and then began his rants. Now I don't mind him attacking CBS, which he called the producer of his show Two and a Half Men, a turd, but then went on to call Thomas Jefferson, who put his own life on the line to challenge King George to declare independence from England, a "pussy."
Please tell me what greatness Sheen has excelled to (other than possibly passing a pee test) to insult Thomas Jefferson and his accomplishments?
So Two and Half Men has been canceled for the rest of the season and may not return, and I say good riddance. I liked the show, but his insult to Thomas Jefferson is unacceptable considering Sheen's erratic lifestyle inside the hospital for help and back again, not to mention his behavior towards women.