Unions are the closest thing we have to Marxism in America. They depend on an ignorant workforce who form a collective and allow a tyrant to represent them. In return, they are undergo an indoctrination in which they no longer think for themselves. Now think about that for a minute and consider Karl Marx's beliefs on the collective and how education is used to change the thought of people through conditioning.
I bring this up because one union member in Ohio showed his libtardia union side during a protest in Ohio to support the cheating service unions in Wisconsin, who have once again put their own interests before the interests of the children they teach. Listen to what this union guy has to say about the Tea Party, an organization that represents Jeffersonian ideas and not Karl Marx's ideas.
And here's another ignorant union member from Wisconsin practicing her Marxist union ways while spouting off the same Hitler talking point towards the governor of Wisconsin, who is working hard to get the Wisconsin budget in control. These union people have no clue about basic economics. They claim they support the working man, but they have no problem with the working man being nickeled and dime at every chance so their union pensions are paid.