Average Teacher Salary in Wisconsin $50,000: Average 8th Grader Reading Proficiency, Below Average

We are learning a lot about Wisconsin teachers. As they walk out on their students and put their unions first and spout the unions lies claiming "it's for the children" a new article shows Wisconsin teachers don't seem to care much for their students at all. Let me explain, but first let's look at one of these fine Wisconsin teachers who wants more money, and then we will look at classroom results that clearly show Wisconsin teachers are overpaid.

Remember her? It's for the children, right? Let's see if that is true or not.

The average teacher in Wisconsin makes almost $50,000 a year. As we have discovered, many Wisconsin teachers make a lot more than that. Are they worth this kind of money?

Well CNS reports today, that 66% of the eighth graders in Wisconsin schools are reading below what is considered proficient for their age. This means they probably are having problems grasping the concepts of such classics as Ralph and the Motorcyle, Beezus and Ramona, or Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing--all Beverly Cleary books.

In the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009—the latest year available—only 32 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned a “proficient” rating while another 2 percent earned an “advanced” rating. The other 66 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned ratings below “proficient,” including 44 percent who earned a rating of “basic” and 22 percent who earned a rating of “below basic.”

Can we see that teacher again yelling at us that "it's for the children?"

Chances are a good portion of Wisconsin 8th graders probably have issues reading these teachers' protest signs. On the other hand, I believe Wisconsin governor Scott Walker probably has no issues reading the teachers' protest signs. It's clear to me the nitwit teachers in Wisconsin are doing a fine job of producing more nitwits.