Big Agra is spending big dollars defending high fructose corn syrup. The controversial product relabeled as corn sugar may be responsible for the increased obesity and diabetes in the United States as manufacturers are lying about the sweetness levels and the bodies ability to break down high fructose corn syrup. The corn industry has already paid millions of dollars pushing the idea that high fructose corn syrup is safe.
Now they are trying to trick consumers into accepting the idea that "corn sugar" is something safer than high fructose corny syrup, which is really the same thing--new name for an old product. If these products were so safe, why is Big Agra spending so much money trying to fool you?
Why? Well they stand to save literally billions of dollars every year thanks to how corn is grown in America. Let's not forget the heavy hand of government subsidizes corn--lots of corn. While the government claims its trying to fight obesity, they are taking your tax dollars to help Big Agra save billions through subsidizing corn they will turn into high fructose corn syrup. In other words, the same government that claims it's fighting a war against obesity and that obesity is a national security threat is subsidizing one of the very products that may be responsible for the increase in obesity in America since the 1980s. Think about that for a few minutes.
If high fructose corn syrup is safe, why are they having to spend money to convince you its safe? They need you to believe it is safe so the government can continue to subsidize a product so they can make their food more addictive by adding high fructose corn syrup to everything in order to get you to eat more while saving billions from not having to purchase the more expensive and natural sugar.
They tell you high fructose corn syrup is natural, but it doesn't grown out of the ground like sugar. It goes through major chemical changes in a lab. That's the first lie. It shouldn't be too hard to see how federal corn subsidies is driving this poison into our foods and making Americans fatter and sicker. It's pure hypocrisy on the US Government's part.
It's time to end corn subsidies, especially for companies that benefit by replacing pure natural sugar with corn.