Comic book movies continue to be hot. The latest Comic book hero to hit the big screen will be Captain America. However, Paramount Pictures is afraid using the word America in the title may hurt their profits, so they have dropped the Captain America title from the movie's title. The movie, which was once titled "Captain America: The First Avenger" will now be called just "The First Avenger."
This confuses me, because "The First Avenger" sounds like a different hero to me. But the execs at Paramount believe an international American hating audience won't go see the movie if it contains the word America. Sad, but true. So what are they going to do when audiences finally figure out it's Captain America and not some new hero named the First Avenger and demand their money back?
Besides how are they going to market it without showing the super hero in his red, white, and blue stars and bars tights?