Newsweek Confirms $4 a Gallon Gasoline Will Hit Pumps Soon

Bad news for the economy, although I love how economist tell you high gas prices are a sign the economy is recovering. How can high fuel costs be good for the economy when they force people to cut back on their spending and reconsider things like vacations? I have never understood this logic.

Newsweek writes the return of $4 a gallon gasoline is coming. It doesn't stop at just gas either. Your local Startbucks, which is already charging way too much for a bland cup of coffee might soon look cheap to you if Newsweek is correct on its dire prediction for common things like coffee.

The final dam to stopping $150-a-barrel oil and $4-a-gallon gas is being breached, as financial regulation continues its daily erosion into worthlessness.

Watching the CFTC attempt to back up Dodd-Frank legislation since it was passed in July has been like watching salmon flop upstream as the water drains out -- it's slow, arduous and likely to lead nowhere.

It is clear now that we will instead be witness to the highest prices for commodities ever, fueled by the biggest influx of profit-driven trading and investment ever, unstanched even in the slightest by the hopes of financial regulation legislation.

Of course they have to attack the free market practice of speculation, which they would rather blame for high prices over the fact the United States still doesn't have a responsible energy policy, and due to environmentalism refuses to drill for oil in the United States to increase supplies and drive down costs.