What has Obama done to make you believe he love Ronald Reagan? I can't think of one thing. Currently, Obama is reading lots of material about the great Ronald Reagan, and for that we get this silly cover story from Time Magazine.
Did Obama set out to fix the economy by creating an environment free from the heavy hand of government through across the board tax cuts that even John F. Kennedy advocated like Reagan did? No, he went on a biggest spending spree in my lifetime claiming government was the answer to fixing the economy. Reagan believed fixing the economy was getting government off your back, and yet Time Magazine has the nerve enough to try to tell readers Obama understands Reagan.
You also have this fact that throughout Reagan's life he fought communism. Whether it was communist infiltrating Hollywood or fighting the Cold War to the winning end, Reagan hated the statist philosophy. Obama embraces it, dabbling in it in college, seeking mentors who believed in statism, and then even going as far as celebrating the achievements of communism in his most recent State of the Union address. Seriously, does Time Magazine want us to believe Obama is a student of Reagan?
Reagan said the nine most terrifying words in government are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Obama loves to say those nine terrifying words. He embraces them. Just look at his healthcare law.
I just can't even believe we are having this conversation. Obama like Reagan? Please. I am insulted. My childhood hero is insulted in his grave as we near the 100th anniversary of his birth in a small town in Illinois. It's just sad. Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan.
Apparently, Time Magazine didn't see this simple portrayal that shows the differences between Reagan and Obama in layman's terms called "I Want Your Money."