There is not doubt in my mind that Obama despises Ronald Reagan and the economic boom of the 1980s spurred by tax cuts. In the greatest peace time expansion in our great Republic's history, Reagan followed John F. Kennedy's footsteps and pushed for across the board tax cuts, which of course worked.
Now, nearly three decades later, Barack Obama walked away from the road map to economic expansion with a message government can do it better while increasing spending levels to mind-blowing numbers--a trillion here and a trillion there. Despite this departure from Kennedy and Reagan, there are many rumors Ronald Reagan will be featured in tonight's State of the Union address.
As well, two years ago, Obama cursed free trade and claimed it would not create American jobs. Despising free trade just two years ago, I am hearing Obama will also push for more free trade.
Are we seeing Obama take the Clinton path to reelection? That is move to the right and create the illusion you really aren't a liberal by taking up the positions of your political adversaries? I believe that's what we are going to witness tonight.