The Billy Long Review: Tracking Billy Long's Votes in Congress January 17-21, 2011

Roy Blunt says Billy Long is doing a good job in the early days of him serving in Congress. I am a little concerned by Blunt's statement. His voting record may be tight with how the Republican leadership tells Congressman Long to vote, but Long's record of fighting for and defending the Constitution gives the new Congressman failing marks, which the new Senator has obviously overlooked.

  • Long missed the reading of the Constitution on the House floor, an event even Nancy Pelosi attended, to meet with a lobbyist.
  • Long decided to attack the First Amendment by using the FBI to intimidate a blogger who has been critical of Mr. Long.
When you look at these votes, it does appear Congressman Long is on the right track, but actions speak louder than pushing a button to vote.

Here's Congressman Long's voting record over the past week:

Yea: On motion to suspend the rules and pass, as amended: HR 292 Stop the Over Printing (STOP)--a bill that will make a Congressman less likely to read the legislation because in order to save a few bucks, they are no longer going to print bills introduced on the floor of the House. Ironic, considering Billy Long told KWTO he was going to introduce a bill that required all members of Congress to read the bills before they vote on them. I am all for budget cuts, but this does open up a can of worms since Congressmen will be inconvenienced by having to read the bills on a computer monitor, which is hard on the aging eyes, or print the bills out in their office to avoid monitor strain.

Nay: On motion to recommit with instructions: HR 2 Repealing the job-killing healthcare law act known as Obamacare

Yea: On passage: HR 2 repealing the job-killing healthcare law act (please give Billy Long credit here, because he has said on more than one occasion he likes what is in Obamacare.)

Yea: On agreeing to the amendment: Amendment 1 to HR 9

Yea: On agreeing to the Resolution: HR 9 instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing healthcare law

Dirty Harry Reid has a message
for Billy Long and the GOP.
Despite all these votes against Obamacare, Obamacare is still the law of the land as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced last week the healcare repeal vote will not take place in the United States Senate. Such a sourpuss you are Mr. Reid.