Regardless of whose to blame, the GOP will get the most fingers pointed at it. An alarming news story today from the AP shows that when everything is said and done this year, the first year of Republicans controlling the purse strings, another $1.5 trillion will be added to the federal deficit. As Paul Ryan and other GOP members are promising slashing the government, they obviously can't slash fast enough as the debt continues to crush our great Republic producing larger interest payments that will offset any lackadaisical efforts they make in cuts. This is why they are going to have to get serious.
Of course, the AP has pointed this out. With time ticking, the AP writes, "Republicans say they want big budget cuts but so far are light on specifics."
This doesn't include the GOP members who want to increase military spending, which must also be on the table too. America is going to have to learn to win wars without spending 50% of the world's total military budget.
Now, there is something else I have been warning you of that will take place. They are going to blame tax cuts, specifically the Bush tax cuts for the debt over irresponsible, unconstitutional spending that continues to take place in Washington, which is just as much a result of Republican broken promises as it is the Democrats belief that money grows on trees.
Far from slowing, the government's deficit spending will surge to a record $1.5 trillion flood of red ink this year, congressional budget experts estimated Wednesday, blaming the slow economic recovery and last month's tax-cut law.
I told you last month the Republicans compromise with Obama to continue the Bush tax cuts while Obama got his way in what was a smaller stimulus spending package that would add to the federal debt, that it would be the tax cuts that get the blame over Obama's push to spend more money in the concession. It appears the spending package was quickly forgotten, but the tax cuts are already getting the blame.
No matter the blame, this isn't good news for the new Republican House. They better stop the talk and start the cutting, or there will be a Tea Party backlash against the GOP in two years as the Tea Party looks to a third party, possibly even creating an official Tea Party party (which is already in the works here in Missouri).