When it comes to the Beatles, Ringo Starr has been the butt of many jokes. It's the nose you know. Many people also claim his drumming is simplistic and he was the least talented of the four Beatles. I don't think this is very fair, and in fact, as I have gotten older, I have come to really enjoy Ringo's style, especially his fills.
There is a new video out that I just watched called is Ringo Starr and underrated drummer. It looks at the Beatles song "The Word," specifically from the view of the drums. I personally think they picked the wrong song to show just how amazing Ringo really is. In fact, the video would make a much compelling argument had the drummer looked at Ringo's playing the song "Rain." None the less, the video does show Ringo wasn't a simpleton behind the skins.
Here's the video, and then listen to the song Rain, a song where Ringo claims he was possessed when he was coming up with the drum parts and couldn't believe how complexed his playing is in the song.
Judge for yourself? Is Ringo a great drummer?