Young Commies Route a National Red Bus Tour to Educate on Communism

Hey Billy Long, since you are politically confused and don't understand the most basic elements of the Constitution, here's some friendly advice. Knowing how you enjoy the photo op of signing a bus and running, it might be a good idea for you to stay away from the latest bus political stunt. No, you don't have to turn Busplunge blogger Jim Lee in to the FBI either in a Joseph McCarty like witch hunt. This has nothing to do with his bus, although considering your thought processes since taking office, I know it's crossed your mind.

Probably not even old enough to understand the evils of true communism that always is based on totalitarianism, and obviously victims of the modern public school system that fails to teach the evils of Stalin's purges, how Che ruthlessly killed thousands in cold blood, or how communists in China killed student protesters at Tiananmen Square, some happy young and dumb students are taking their communist message on a red bus tour.

The National Red School Bus Tour will offer week long classes to teach people communism. Something tells me it will ignore the human rights violations and crimes I mentioned above that are clearly the result of communism. By the way, does anyone find this to be hypocrisy? After all, the new communist is devoured by global warming nonsense--green is the new read--and these young communists are burning fossil fuels to push their anti-American agenda.