Obama Administration Defends Anti-American Song Played by Chinese Pianist at White House Function

Yesterday, I joked Barack Obama probably led the standing ovation after Ling Ling played the anti-American song at a White House function. I actually wasn't that far off. The Obama White House is now defending Ling Ling and his anti-American choice of songs.

White House spokesman Tommy Vietor told ABC News that “any suggestion that [the song] was an insult to the United States is just flat wrong.”

“As Lang Lang has stated before, he plays this song regularly because it is one of his favorite Chinese melodies, which is very widely known and popular in China for its melody. Lang Lang played the song without lyrics or reference to any political themes during the entertainment portion of the State Dinner. He simply stated the song’s title and noted it was well known in China,” Vietor said.

Once again, we see that all things American in the Obama White House are bad, very bad. Anti-American, well you conservatives are making too big of a deal about a little song. Ling Ling only had the best of intentions and wanted to serve Dear Leader Obama on common philosophical ground.