Republicans Repeal and Replace Obamacare Creates Another Federal Entitlement Program

What happened to those Republicans who promised to follow the Constitution? That didn't last long did it. As ten states are basically bankrupt as partial result of federal mismanagement, federal overreach, and entitlements, the Republicans are pushing for more government through an entitlement program once Obamacare is finally defeated.

From Politico:

Republicans are gearing up to replace President Barack Obama’s health care plan, designed to cover 30 million people who don’t have insurance.

Just don’t expect a package that goes nearly as far to cover the uninsured.

“Why do you have to upset the apple cart for everyone, when in fact there is a fairly narrow population that you’re trying to reach?” asked Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas), a physician.

The differences could be stark. The closest model to what Republicans are suggesting now — a substitute plan they offered in the House in November 2009 — would have covered just 3 million of the uninsured.

So where in the Constitution is this the federal government's responsibility to provide any kind of insurance (federal safety net). It's not in there, even though I don't like Mitt Romney and his Romneycare, Massachusetts had the right to create a healthcare plan. It was the wrong decision and the system is broken, but through states' rights, they were perfectly in the right. However, the federal government has no authority. Yet, the same Republicans promising to follow the Constitution are willing to create more government, just not as much government, without any Constitutional authority.