Billy Long Seems a Little Confused About the Definition of Conservative

Billy Long appears to keep contradicting himself. On the day we find out Long wants to expand the powers of the Department of Homeland Security with the If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011, which can be clearly labeled an expansion of big government--especially since TSA is ran through DHS--that clearly is violating the Constitution, Long tweets:

'There is no such thing as a Big Government Conservative - whoever came up with that is an idiot'!

Now, let's look back to the campaign in an interesting conversation Long had with the Busplunge blogger at one of the stops on his business tour after he won the primary. Long defends a Republican who voted for TARP, some of the bailouts, Cash for Clunkers, the big government Patriot Act, and of course a big spender and earmarker. Let's listen to this fascinating audio as what Long says doesn't really jive with what he tweeted today.

Mr. Long you obviously don't understand what a conservative is, which makes you just as much of an idiot.