I have noticed a trend since Billy Long took office Washington. My traffic from computers connected to the Internet from the House of Representatives is up over 500%. I thought you were fed up of wasteful federal spending Congressman Long, but apparently you don't have a problem with staff members like Curtis Trent surfing the Web on the tax payers dime, obviously looking to see what people on your "political enemies" list are saying Dare I say--for possible future FBI visits?
Yesterday, the Busplunge, another blog critical of Congressman Long also suggested his traffic was up from the House.gov domain since Billy Long took office.
Google analytics show the House.gov computers hit BBCW 51 times during the entire month of December, which is an average of 1.7 hits per day from the House computers. (When I went to visit his site to link Busplunge to this story, his live traffic feed showed an active hit from Washington DC.)
Google analytics show House.gov computers hit BBCW 177 times in the first 20 days of Congressman Long's first term, which is an average of 8.85 hits per day from House computers with a high of 22 hits per day as information came out that Billy Long used the FBI to intimidate the blogger to silence.
A further look at the analytics shows that out of the 177 hits this month from the House.gov computers, over 75 percent of those hits were on landing pages that contain information on Billy Long. As well, from the time this blog went live in October 2008 until the day before Billy Long took office, this blog only received 530 hits from the House.gov computers, which really puts this in perspective. Long's office is on pace to increase the total hits by over 50% from the House.gov computers in his first month in office.
My question to Congressman Long and his staff members. Don't you have better things to do with your time considering the great problems this Republic faces that continue to build your enemies list? It appears to me, considering your Nixonesque tactics, it's business as usual for another paranoid DC politician.