If you still believe Billy Long is Tea Party and is going to fight for freedom and liberty after this week, well then there is no hope for you. Billy Long is part of the Big R neocon Republican establish--you know the fine people who brought you the Department of Homeland Security, naked body scans, and groping at airports with their quick passage of the Patriot Act in 2001. Now Billy Long, who went to Washington promising to shrink the size of government, just co-sponsored a bill from his Homeland Security committee that will increase the size of the federal government through a new program DHS has introduced called "if you see something, say something."
American citizens will begin to see the evidence of "if you see something, say something" as government rhetoric resembling George Orwell's 1984 will soon be present in places like your Walmart checkout line. The bill Long introduced encourages this national citizen spy network by offering immunity to anyone who works with the federal government to turn their fellow neighbor in as suspicious.
Stocking up on hunting ammo and your neighbor sees you carrying large amounts of ammo from your car into your house? Well, "if you see something, say something" will encourage your neighbors to tell the federal government--after all you might be one of those crazy right wingers defined in the MIAC Report or the Department of Homeland Security Report.
The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09
So the first bill Billy Long has put his John Hancock on as a co-sponsor gives Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security more power. I bet Billy Long likes getting groped by a male TSA agent. The Bill is called If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011. Way to fight for freedom and liberty Billy Boy, but we already knew you have learned how to use the American police state against your political enemies. Why should we be surprised at your desire to expand Big Sis Napolitano's tools for her developing American police state that even Matt Drudge is now warning about.
So here's how Congressman Long voted for the week of January 24 through January 28. It should be noted Billy Long flew to LA this week to a function at the Reagan library? Did taxpayers pick up the tab on this non-government function?
Yea On ordering the previous question: HR43, providing for consideration of the resolution (HR38) to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.
Note: There was another $450 billion plus added the federal deficit in 2008. Apparently this is acceptable to the Republicans in Congress like Billy Long who said he was fed up with wasteful spending.
Yea on agreeing to the resolution: HR43, providing for consideration of the resolution (HR38) to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.
Nay on motion to recommit with instructions: HR 38 to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.
Yea on agreeing to the resolution: HR 38 to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.
Yea on motion to suspend the rules and agree to HR49 providing Capitol-flown flags for recipients of the Medal of Honor
Yea on ordering the previous question: H Res 54: providing for consideration of HR359, to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing for presidential election campaigns and party conventions
Yea on agreeing to the amendment: Amendment 1 to HR359
Nea on motion to recommit with instructions: HR359 to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating tax payer financing of Presidential campaigns and party conventions
Yea on passage: HR359 to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating tax payer financing of Presidential campaigns and party conventions