While the Billy Long used the FBI to intimidate a blogger story has started to become a distant memory for many, there are still plenty of details the public remains unaware of. While Long would have you believing myself and a few other bloggers spent every minute of the entire campaign season tracking down long, it was actually just a few days in September. It all began when Billy Long announced his Southwest Missouri business tour in the Springfield News-Leader and invited the public to tour Southwest Missouri business with the candidate. "He encourages members of the community to turn out for discussions..."
That came out on a Friday, and Jim Lee over at Busplunge contacted each other about attending. We debated how this should be done. We knew that if I showed up, Long would instantly freeze and then run, so Lee said he would go to try to ask Long the tough questions the media wasn't researching or asking. Lee brought a voice recorder and he was able to ask question at the business tour along with a couple other people including former state representative Mike Schilling and another unidentified woman who also showed up to ask Long the tough questions.
Long was surprised that anyone showed up, but to give him credit he did answer some questions, well, he made some excuses about why his words of being fed up with career politicians in Washington who are big spenders didn't actually match his campaign donations to the same big Washington spenders. Take a listen and notice something Long says about being afraid.
Long firmly states, he isn't "afraid of anyone, any where, any time."
Lee invited me over to his house to listen to the recording he made at Billy's business tour. Lee wanted to know how to get it on YouTube, so we worked on editing it and creating a file so people could hear for themselves what Long had to say, and then put his words to the test.
Amazing how these words are amplified today as Long obviously abused his federal powers, launching in witch hunt against critics using the Gabrielle Giffords shooting as a platform for political payback. You see, it was this quote of Long's which I and a few friends of Lee's went out to test over the next week. That's what this really amounts to is a week's span of public appearances to see if Billy Long was courageous or a coward when it came to being asked tough questions. It turns out he was a coward, but in more ways than one.
Here is myself and friends of Lee trying to ask questions to Long during a public appearance at the Spending Revolt bus tour. Notice the question I ask is relevant to Long signing his name on the Spending Revolt bus.
There were other instances like this throughout the week. After a week of attending public appearances Long made, it was obvious Long was scared of certain people asking hard questions in places he was seen in public. However, Long was never scared of anything besides a tough question, which he chose to ignore and walk away. The story he and his office shared with the FBI was pure embellishment all in hopes of intimidating his critics.