In Response to Brian Calfano Defending an Attack on the First Amendment

Brian Calfano defends the obvious attack on the First Amendment in a new publication produced by Steve Helm's called Springberg Gazzette. I find this interesting because Calfano and I had a pleasant exchange before the election regarding Billy Long, and I find it hard to believe that after that exchange he would describe my actions as unknown intentions to justify the attack of the First Amendment simply saying "get over it." Do you enjoy the abuse of federal power for one merely engaging in the one of the rights that puts dinner on your table Mr. Calfano? After all you do host a talk radio show on KWTO every morning, which is the reason why we had our pleasant exchange in the first place. Considering the constant attack against talk radio with the Fairness Doctrine, I would think you wouldn't be so careless with discounting the First Amendment.

Calfano writes that my questions posted on YouTube were attempts to embarrass Billy Long. No, Mr. Calfano, those questions were the result of media outlets such as the one you work for not doing any research and presenting anything remotely resembling a challenge to question what Mr. Long was telling the people of Southwest Missouri and the reality of who Mr. Long really is. Where are all the hard hitting journalists in Southwest Missouri anyway Mr. Calfano? Did relationships at your own station, KWTO, prevent you from pointing out Long's inconsistencies? If they did, what's that really say about your own ethos?

Mr. Calfano, if anyone embarrassed Billy Long it was Long himself. Long agreed to debates and then ran from the debates only to schedule a three short debates that were well controlled to keep this uninformed candidate from exposing his lack of any in depth knowledge of important issues facing this country. Long agreed to interviews providing they were in controlled environments that didn't put him on the spot. Heck, even at one forum, he had to have answers text messaged to him on his iPhone, an act Democrat Tim Davis observed. Had someone in the local media been a little more hard hitting, than perhaps bloggers, and there was more than just me who showed up at Long's public appearances asking the questions you and others in the media should have been asking but refused to. Even today, Long refuses to talk to various media outlets and return their calls when they are trying to track down stories about Long, something that was confirmed to me during an interview with a small-town paper I spoke to.

Mr. Long ran as a citizen legislator but he continues to shut the citizens out of the process, which is what you really see in those videos as he runs from challenging question. What is it that this man hides? Political incompetence perhaps? The truth is there were many men more qualified to go to Washington at this time, but few in the media wanted to rock the advertising dollars from supporters of Mr. Long. Take for instance when Long claimed he was the only real pro-life candidate in this race smearing the pro-life reputations of Jack Goodman and Gary Nodler for his own political gain. Where were you morning talk show host scolding the candidate for his obvious lies. The truth is, if bloggers like myself hadn't stoop up in light of the poor journalism in this town after Chad Livengood left, then Long would be more likely to play in the corrupt game of Washington politics knowing all eyes are off of him. Shame on you sir for attacking the messenger and supporting this abuse of power against the First Amendment, because if it wasn't for the blog exposing the real Billy Long as a Tea Party fake, then what other reason would Long have to report me and possible other bloggers to the FBI?

Giving a politician a headache by asking tough questions and using this new social media that is replacing traditional news doesn't justify what took place at my home. Considering you are a political science instructor who teaches the Constitution, I would expect you to understand that. But you have shown your true colors not standing up for the First Amendment and telling people to get over this obvious abuse of federal powers. Nothing like being a messenger for one of the two corrupt parties that continues to rob Americans of their rights. Fortunately for you, you walk the fine line playing the political hand holding we observe between the press and politicians, and for that, you probably won't need to worry about the FBI showing up at your house because you aren't very likely to rock the boat.

And in the end, you still produce no threat of evidence that there was a threat made against Billy Long. Just a guy along with other people doing the work talk show hosts like yourself along with reporters are supposed to do. By the way, I am not sure following Long out to his car on three occasions during announced public appearances in the 18 month span that Long ran for this office is as dramatic as you wish to make it. For the record, Long approached my personal space twice in the same time hoping to talk to me and ask me questions. Should we consider Mr. Long a threat in those instances as well? Perhaps, I should contact the FBI and report Mr. Long for approaching me after campaign events or before town hall meetings.

I guess that saddest thing about this Mr. Calfano, that I offered to show the FBI agent the other videos of the instances where I was asking Mr. Long questions. After the first video, he stopped me and said I had done nothing wrong, and then went on to say I was doing what Americans are supposed to be doing--holding their politicians accountable. Wow, and to think that bothers a Constitutional scholar like yourself enough for you to throw the First Amendment out the door in defense of Congressman Long's abuse of power. I hope your listeners are paying attention. Oh, that's right, you are on KWTO, a once-legendary station that is long past its glory years. Thank God you have Rush Limbaugh, who fights this federal tyranny (Fairness Doctrine reinstatement) every time he turns around as he speaks with the intentions of holding politicians accountable.

I guess one of my real worries is all of this is someone who claims to be Constitutional or conservative or both will be willing to sell out the Constitution to protect someone connected to a political party but doesn't represent Constitutional conservative beliefs.

For reference I have enclosed the civil exchange I had with Calfano from last fall:

From: "Calfano, Brian R"
To: ""
Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 6:09:17 PM
Subject: Your blog post today
To Whom It May Concern:

Thanks for including me on your blog post about Billy Long and his proposal to read bills in their entirety.

The only problem is that I never said anything about this on the air at KWTO.

You may have been mistaking me for Chuck Wooten or someone else on the station. I’m happy to pull the hours of show I’ve done since the primary last month to demonstrate your error—and you can do all the listening yourself to investigate.

The reason I can be so sure that I never discussed this issue is because I wouldn’t find this idea plausible for anyone in Congress to act on in the first place.

Best regards,

Brian Robert Calfano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science


Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 6:26 PM
To: Calfano, Brian R
Subject: Re: Your blog post today

Please accept my apologies. I am a little upset with this KWTO debate proposal considering Long used to work there. I find it quite cowardly. I think we both agree the issues facing our republic are worth putting country first and worth a debate to ensure we make the right decision in November.

It was said during Morning Line. I was pulling out onto Glenstone off Seminole when I heard it. I find the idea laughable. I have issued a correction to the piece. I normally don't listen to KWTO in the morning, and usually flip it on at 11:00.

Thanks for the correction. By the way, is the political science teacher still there who teaches how to tie a bow tie sometime during the semester. The two conservatives in the class used to give that guy hell. We had some fun with him, that's for sure.


From: "Calfano, Brian R"
Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 6:30:59 PM
Subject: RE: Your blog post today
Hi Clay,

I understand. I think you were listening to Chuck Wooten, who sometimes fills in for me during the week when I’m away.

There’s a lot of stuff that goes on at the station in terms of decision making that’s “above my head”. Our proposal to the candidates was to simulcast the event on KWTO, with the actual debate occurring at the KOLR 10 studio since this makes the most sense in terms of coverage. We are still trying to get clarification from the Long Campaign was to what they’ve agreed to. Believe me, I’d like a fair debate between all three candidates (including Kevin Craig) for the reasons you mention.

The bowtie guy is gone. Maybe you are referring to a guy named Denny?

Best regards,

Brian Robert Calfano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science

To: Calfano, Brian R ;
Subject: Re: Your blog post today
Sent: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 11:55:03 PM
I don't remember his name. I just remember he was a liberal and the conservative kid next to me and myself challenged him constantly with current events. It was fun.

Please accept my apologies. I am writing this blog because I am very concerned about our great Republic. I see Billy claiming he is fed up but the deeper I look inside, he doesn't know what he is fed up with. No campaign is paying me to do this. I am doing this because we need the right people there, and I see Long dodging tough questions and few are questioning him and it just baffles me. The right people are Constitutional conservatives in my honest opinion, you know classical liberals in the spirit of Jefferson and Monroe. Everyone is fed up but no one wants to do their homework. I have become sad realizing the truth about this process.

Thanks for the info.
