Sign of the Times: States May Cancel Presidential Primaries Because No Money

A number of states (mostly blue states) may cancel their 2012 presidential primaries because of their dire financial situations. Massachusetts is one of them, which may mean bad news for Mitt for Brains Romney.

From Politico:

Massachusetts Secretary of State Bill Galvin says there’s not enough money to run a primary in March 2012, according to Gov. Deval Patrick’s budget for the next fiscal year.

“The number that was submitted by the governor despite the fact that he suggested, or his administration suggested, that it would be a 2 percent cut, in fact is a far more drastic cut. My budget will go down anyways for the coming fiscal year in the elections area because we have one fewer election in the upcoming fiscal year than we did in the last. But nevertheless, it’s a problem to run this March 6, 2012 event based upon the numbers they’ve submitted,” Galvin told WBZ.

That would be funny if Mitt for Brains Romney lost the nomination because the state he ran into the ground with the broken Romneycare health system is broke. Talk about poetic justice! That'll teach Mitt to dabble with socialism.