This is interesting? Scanning my Web traffic today, I noticed the Federal Election Commission is doing research on what may be Billy Long's biggest threat to turn him into a one-term Congressman. The FEC is doing searches for Jack Goodman, who was Long's main challenger last year, which you can see they hit the BBCW site.
Now considering Long's actions in which his campaign not only filed FEC charges through a Long campaign worker named Andrew Bruner against this blog and a 17 year-old blogger, but also Congressman Long's office obviously gave an enemies list to the FBI, is Long maneuvering to put pressure on Jack Goodman to keep him out of the 2012 Republican primary? Will Long continue looking like a bully by possibly trying to connect Goodman and Miles Ross to Long is Wrong? Of course, Long risks being exposed for possibly being behind the Defeat Nodler site, if in fact Long is playing bully with his political enemies. Just some speculation, but it's interesting none-the-less.
For the record, Jack Goodman would make a great Congressman unlike the current MO-7 representative. I will be willing to testify under oath that Jack Goodman had no knowledge of the inner workings of Long is Wrong. Like I said before, the idea came from one of Long's other opponents.