Obama's plan is to bypass the new Republican House of Representatives as much as possible. We have already seen Obama pull the unpassed cap and trade legislation from the Senate and tell the EPA to begin regulating carbon emissions. Considering Obama's act against the Defense of Marriage Act this week, we see Obama acting more like a tyrannical dictator more than a President with limited powers.
Fortunately, one Republican continues to fight. That Republican of course is Rand Paul. Paul has introduced S299, also known as the REINS Act (Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011).
REINS is simple and it needs to be passed to keep Obama in line. From Campaign for Liberty:
Support the REINS Act Petition to:
U.S. Senators
Whereas: For decades, presidents of BOTH parties and their federal agencies have abused their power to "rule by decree" - bypassing Congress and shredding the U.S. Constitution; and
Whereas: During his two years in office, President Obama's administration alone has issued well over TWO HUNDRED new regulations and Executive Orders, all with price tags well over $100 million EACH; and
Whereas: After the results of the 2010 elections, the statists are looking even more to their pet bureaucracies to shove their agenda down the throats of the American people; and
Whereas: The REINS Act would prohibit presidents and out of control government agencies from imposing sweeping new regulations on American citizens without a congressional vote;
Therefore: I urge you to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on Senator Rand Paul's REINS Act (S. 299).
Campaign for Liberty has a petition in which you can sign that will be delivered to members of Congress. You can sign the petition by visiting: http://www.chooseliberty.org/reins.aspx?pid=nd2